Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 225

I had an accident today. Because I am home more than Andy is, I have become the designated bug killer (we get them occasionally). Well, today I spotted this big spider run behind our frog sponge holder located on our kitchen cabinet. So I pick up a tissue to grab the spider with & then pick up the frog hoping it is still behind it, but the spider was gone, or so I thought. I glance down at the frog in my hand and see the spider crawling very quickly to my hand! My first instinct was to get rid of the frog, so what did I do? I threw it across the kitchen, which ended in a shattered frog & the spider getting away! I really feel horrible that I shattered that frog because it was a gift from Andy's grandparents, but I had to save myself from that spider! So here lies the frog!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Great... Well at least Ronola probably has another one you could have.