Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 33

Well I was going to use my new camouflage pajamas as my picture of the day, but my day got really exciting around 11:10 pm! I was laying in bed when our home phone rang. I looked at the caller id to find my brother was calling. Next, thing I knew my dad was walking out the door to check on Jeff & April's Ford Expedition that has been sitting over at our barn for the past month or so. I guess the cops had shown up at Jeff & April's house asking them if they had parked their Ford Expedition at Walmart. They immediately called my dad to check it out, and this is what my dad found... Their car had been broken into and the burglar took their license plate and put it on a different Ford Expedition, which was the Expedition found in the Walmart parking lot. The good news is that they caught the boy (Yes it was a boy! He's not even old enough to legally drive). That's why they contacted Jeff & April. The story goes on, but that's just the jist of it.

1 comment:

April said...

I am so mad I could scream. Good thing the boy didn't come to archway or I think I would whipped him a new one!!!