Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 335

I had my exit interview for Level 2 today (which went very well by the way), so after school all I wanted to do was some celebrating. So what did I do, you ask? I went to see New Moon with my hubby, my bestest friend (my sister, Kristina), & her husband! I was so glad Dunna & Evan were willing to go with us because Andy absolutely wouldn't go with me unless there was another dude going. The movie was absolutely wonderful...even better than Twilight, but it left my heart torn in two. Team Edward? or Team Jacob? I love them both for two very different reasons (Don't worry, I still love my husband)! I have read all the books, so I know how it ends, but it just makes me so sad. I wish they could both get the girl, but then that would only make Bella look like a two-timing...you know what! I had such a great time at the movies with my family! It definitely was an awesome way to celebrate! Thanks, Dunna & Evan for coming with us! I had a blast, but I'm not sure if I can say that for Andy.

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